Saturday, 15 February 2014

For starters

"It is not about the tools, it's using the tools to facilitate learning" is my second-best mantra. My first one has been Carpe diem for almost two decades now. 

Both of them together have brought me to the idea to start this blog on Computer-Assisted Language Learning, or CALL as I shall refer to it.

A very dear friend of mine once said that I have managed to turn a passion into a science. Well, I am not the only one. I know a lot of English language teachers at various levels who love using the computer and are rather efficient at it. I also know teachers who would probably like to use the computer a bit more, but do not know where to start. Well, this blog is for both of these groups of teachers. 

My primary intention is to share ideas that are easy to implement and might help teachers at all possible levels and institutions to improve their everyday language teaching. I hereby invite enthusiasts to visit this blog whenever possible, keep track of news and interesting things, comment, criticise, suggest, exchange, collaborate. Hopefully, this blog will turn into a common space facilitating improvement at various levels.